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高跟鞋和裹脚 旧文新发之二


然而,从医学健康的角度,高跟鞋并非让人百美而无一害。相反,高跟鞋是许多足疾的病因。 许多研究显示,高跟鞋改变了足部的承力机制,人体的重量都集中到了足的前部,尤其是大拇趾,不可避免地诱发变形和损伤,为以后的关节炎,疼痛埋下隐患。

据史料,五代时期的李煜是裹脚的始作俑者,到元,明,清至登峰造极。清朝人方绚曾写过一本关于小脚的书《香莲品藻》,夸女人的小脚有三贵,曰肥,曰软,曰秀。说脚的美丑分九品:神品上上,妙品上中,仙品上下,珍品中上,清品中中,艳品中下,逸品下上,凡品下中,赝品下下。还说了基本五式:莲瓣,新月,和弓,竹荫,菱角。现在看来,还真是奇葩!直到光绪十三年(公元1887年)7月, 梁启超,谭嗣同,汪康年,康广仁等发起成立全国性的不缠足会,在戊戍变法期间争女权,倡导妇女解放,到民国才被逐渐禁止,祸害一千多年。



Really great shoes, in a color combo I couldnt get locally.
- Switzerland

Great shoe. Fits as expected and comfortable with the first wearing.
- Switzerland

been wearing these for years eliminated my leg pain look good and hold up good
- Singapore

excellent tennis shoes, they look great and are very comfortable, they fitted as expected.
- Singapore

These are the the most comfortable shoes and my second pair of this particlar model. I wore the first out.
- Switzerland

Ordered the 4e for extra width and they are as expected. Comfortable and easy to slip on with shoelaces tied loosely,
- Switzerland

I love the Air Monarch 4, especially now that it doesn't seem to have the squeeking problem that plagued them before. Very comfortable.
- Singapore

These are exactly as described. The 4E means extra wide, but 3E was not available so I went for these.I now have a fresh bounce in my air step.Best Regards,
- Switzerland

Great shoe, But they are too small. I have another pair of the same shoes in a size 10. But these fit like a size 9.5. Had them for 5 minutes And can not wear them. Returning them
- Switzerland

I purchased this for my son and he loves them. He wants another pair in a different color but although the price was right, I'm a disabled single mother on a limited income so these were a humongous splurge but he deserves it.
- Singapore